返回第25章 流浪剧团之第十一幕·道别(2)(2 / 2)重叠世界:代号X首页

My dear, e near/我的宝贝请走近些

Do you uand what is happening?/你能否理解正在发生之事?

Crawl beh the earth/爬行于世界之下

To feel the hunger and the thirst/只为感受世间饥苦

If you could fly ahe bird/若是你能够作为鸟于天空翱翔

Then you would see the forest burn/而后你将望见不断燃烧的森林

My dear, e near/我的宝贝请走近些

Do you uand what is happening?/你能否理解目前所发生的一切?


Who's calling me for the emergency?/是谁紧急呼叫我?


Who's listening to the sirens singing?/谁正在听着鸣笛“歌颂”?(双关:塞壬歌声)

We are stood and somehow calm/我们正站在平静之地

Within the madness of the storm/暴风所席卷之地

With no solution for the scared/无端恐惧不可断绝

Tasting pollution in the air/品尝空气污染之“甘”

My dear, e near/我的宝贝请走近些

Do you feel my hand, it is there/你是否能够感知我的手掌它就在此


Who's calling me for the emergency?/是谁紧急呼叫我?


Who's listening to the sirens singing?/谁正在听着鸣笛“吟诵”?


Take from my world no more/请助我从本该属于我的世界中逃离


Take from my world no more/请助我从本该属于我的世界中逃离


Take from my world no more/请助我从本该属于我的世界中逃离





